Sunday, April 8, 2012


Episode 15: Island of Dreams
Episode 16: The Thing With Feathers
By: Carlos Uribe

Grimm is a show about a guy who hunts fairy tale monsters.

Spoilers Ahoy!

This is a special review that covers both episode 16 (Friday's episode) and episode 15 (from the week before.)

In the first episode of this review, “Island of Dreams,” there's a weekly case of wessen (creatures) who are drug addicts. They want drugs so badly that they decide to storm in and rob the store from the “Organ Grinder” episode. The store that is run by one of the wessen, a Fuchsbau. It makes sense that the wessen would be addicted to a drug that would easily kill a normal human being but which gives them a great high. Since no human would take this drug, it isn't actually against the law to take it. This means that a regular cop would have no idea what these drug addicts were looking for when they broke in or why they were even breaking into a tea and herb shop to begin with. The Fuchsbau gets killed in the robbery which causes our homicide detectives to get on the case. It also means that his sister, Rosalee from Seattle comes in and becomes a love interest to Monroe. The show seems to hint that she's going to here for a while. Nick uses his Grimm knowledge and help from Monroe to catch the two drug addicts and the case is solved.

There was also a sub-plot that actually moved forward the season/series plot. It's been about ten entire episodes since we last saw Adalind, but she's back in this episode. The last time we saw her, she was starting to date Hank. We find out that she hasn't really been able to get close to Hank because he has been rejecting her advances. He had saved her life and he doesn't want to use that to get her to date him. In reality, she is trying to date him for Captain Renard. She decides to bake Hank some magic chocolate chip cookies that causes him to start have some extreme emotional responses towards her. Responses that she plans to bring him closer to her. Nobody else is supposed to eat the cookies but Seargant Woo makes the mistake of eating one of them. This makes him get really sick but he is saved by Rosaelee. He doesn't seem to be completely fixed since he is last seen eating some foam from his cushions.

The second episode of the review, “The Thing With Feathers,” had Nick go on a romantic vacation with Juliette. He takes her to a small town in Oregon and has rented out a wooden lodge for the two. This is a television show which means that if we're seeing the vacation, Nick can't actually have a vacation. This week is all about a Klaustreich (alley cat) who is married to a Seltenvogen (rare bird that lays the golden egg) and their domestic issues. It turns out that he is using his wife to get a golden stone that she will give “birth” to once in her lifetime. He tries her best to get that stone to grow even if it means holding her against her will and making her have worm shakes. He's clearly abusive and even ends up killing some innocent bystander who tried to help her. The Sheriff is no help because he's the cousin of the husband and is in on the plan. Nick and Juliette manage to save the day by the end of the episode but at the cost of their romantic getaway.

When they return from their not-so-romantic trip, Nick decides to finally propose to Juliette. She's not interested in marrying him because he is keeping secrets from her. She loves him with all of her heart and she's not interested in leaving him, but she's not willing to take the next step until he can be open with her. He may be having relationship problems, but it seems that Hank sadly isn't. Adalind finally starts answering his phone calls and agrees to go on a date with her. This means that the spell worked and that probably means he is in danger. We'll have to wait until next week to see what Renard and Adalind are planning.

The two episodes were good, but I have to give the edge to “Island of Dreams” since it had a more interesting case. It also put more of a focus on developing the serialized part of the show, which seriously needs to be developed. I understand that this show is a procedural and that the weekly cases are what it is about, but the serialized portion of the show shouldn't be moving this slowly. As I took notice, it took ten episodes for the series to finally move along the Adalind and Hank storyline. It would be nice if the show had at least tried to show their relationship not working instead of just bringing it back up out of the blue.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that Adalind popped back into the series unexpectedly, and it did seem out of place that she was supposed to be pursuing Hank this whole time. At first, I thought that I had missed an episode but after looking back at them all on my job’s site, DISHonline, I realized that I hadn’t missed a single episode. I even went through and watched each episode again to see if I missed something, but it seems it was just poor planning on the writers’ behalf. I think that come this next episode we’ll really get to see how strong of a hold Adalind has on Hank, and I’m eager to see how upset Nick gets about the whole situation. I sense that Juliette is going to get her wish of Nick revealing what he’s been keeping from her very soon!


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