Sunday, March 11, 2012


Episode 14: Plumed Serpent
By: Carlos Uribe

Grimm is a show about a guy who hunts fairy tale monsters.

Spoilers Ahoy!

This week there be dragons! Some dragon person breathes fire on a couple of thieves, killing them. This sets Detective Burkhardt on the case. His main lead is the dragon person's daughter. She wants her father to die in dignity so she decides to kidnap Juliette. The idea is that her father will die protecting a woman against a “knight” and therefore he will have honor. That or he will kill the Grimm and have honor in that way. Nick manages to save Juliet and he also kills the dragon person. The daughter pretends to commit suicide but she gets away. Juliet's relationship with Nick is strained even further due to this kidnapping. It seems like Nick is finally preparing to consider the possibility of leaving Juliet in order to protect her.

This was a good episode of Grimm. It had a good case and there was more Monroe this week. The problem I have is that Hank, or at least Juliette, need to brought into the Grimm secret. If Hank is in on the secret then he can have a bigger role on the show. It would also let Hank and Monroe share more scenes together and I think that would only benefit the show. I wonder what's going to happen with Nick and Juliette, but I don't really care if they end up breaking apart. The show hasn't really established their relationship enough for me to care about them as a couple.

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