Saturday, January 21, 2012


Episode 9: Enemy of my Enemy
By: Carlos Uribe

Fringe is a show about a division in the FBI tasked with solving fringe science cases.

Spoilers Ahoy!

Last episode revealed that not only was Broyles from the other side a shapeshifter, but that the main bad guy is Jones. The problem is that he's discovered in a universe that has no record of him and he has the upper hand. The solution is presented to be Peter. Peter not only knows Jones, but he feels that his own personal knowledge of the guy is enough to present an unknown variable. A variable that Jones couldn't have seen coming, and a variable that the good guys can use against Jones. Of course, their not aware of a variable that Jones has. A great scene in this episode is when Peter manages to interview Jones. The tension in that scene is simply outstanding. It is an example of how his knowledge can be used to bring down Jones. Since Broyles from the other side is a shapeshifter, that means that Jones will learn of any plan that Peter has. Peter may think that he's the card that can beat Jones but as long as Alternative Broyles is alive, he really can't.

Of course, there's a problem that Jones is going to have to be defeated before Peter can go back to the original timeline. This means that before he can go back to his original universe in which he knows that he belongs in, where the people who love him are, this bad guy is going to have to be captured. There is a question that does rise up. If Peter ends up going back to the original timeline, does that the mean that anything that happens in this timeline is irrelevant? If that's the case, then everything that happens in this season is frankly a waste of time. The writers are going to have to ensure that if Peter is to return to his timeline, that what happened in this season, or part of this season, actually mattered. Otherwise, this is a season, or part of a season, that can be completely skipped if there is a future beyond his return. If Peter doesn't end up going back to his timeline, then that risks alienating the fans who have stuck with the show expecting him to go back to the characters they fell in love with. This timeline may contain these characters, but they are different enough that any fan feels like they aren't the people we've gotten to know and care about. These are different characters that simply look like them and are almost them. In some ways, the viewer is like Peter. Being a universe eerily similar to the one we're from, but being slightly different.

The show does seem to be going in the direction that Peter will eventually go back to his timeline. It does this by doing one very important thing. It has our Walter finally getting over himself and agreeing to help out Peter. He changes his mind because his wife from the other side shows up and convinces him that there is still a chance for forgiveness and redemption. That Walter can actually be happy and that he can get to know his son. With this new mindset, he is able to go to Peter's house and agree to help. He is able to start to getting to know his son. With this news, he'll probably be able to help Peter get back to the timeline he should be in. The timeline where he survived crossing over to the other side and where he has a loving father and girlfriend. Hopefully, when he does return, the trip to this different timeline would have been important.

Don't get me wrong. On it's own, this was an extremely good episode. It had a lot of great action scenes and character moments. It also ended on a cliff-hanger that seems to indicate that this Nina has been evil this entire time. I'm excited, though a bit concerned, to see what happens. Here's hoping that Fringe manages to get a fifth and final season, because this show definably deserves a season to wrap up it's story.

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