Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Gossip Girl

Gossip Girl
Episode 7: The Big Sleep No More
By: Carlos Uribe

Gossip Girl is a show about some wealthy college kids living their lives.

Spoiler Alert!

You know what I always find annoying in a TV show? When a character is on board the previous episode, but almost backs out the next episode for the sole purpose of creating drama. I'm not talking about doing something that's bad that a character starts to regret, or doing bad things the character feels uncomfortable with as the character realizes they went over his head. I'm talking about this week's Serena story. On the last episode she agreed to be a blogger to be her fiftieth career choice, only this week she isn't so sure. The reasons given were pretty pathetic. She doesn't think that anyone is going to read her blog (which I doubt) or that she's going to hurt people. She fails to realize that setting the truth straight can often help people, and she gets to chose when to do that. Her little crisis about being a blogger annoyed me a bit.

The show was pretty much good besides a couple other hiccups. This week there seems to be a love polygon. On one end is Serena. Charlie decides to tell Serena that to get people excited about the blog, Gossip Girl needs to attack Serena. On the blog Serena can then tell the story from her point of view. Charlie convinces Serena to go on a date with some guy. That guy coincidentally ends up being Max, Charlie's ex-boyfriend who can ruin everything by telling the truth. At the actual date, Serena and Max aren't seen together largely because Dawn tells Max to find a girl in a golden dress (Charlie), before Serena makes it. Obviously, Dawn tells Max that this girl is Serena. To make matters even more confusing for Max is not only does he find out that Charlie is masquerading as someone else, but Charlie ends up kissing him. Serena is led to believe that Max ditched her.

The reason Dawn leads is to ensure she gets Nate all to herself. She ensures that Nate, while on a date with Charlie (because they aren't “exclusive”), sees Charlie kissing Max. She lies to Nate, telling him he was being used by Charlie to get Max's attention. This manipulation works perfectly and Nate goes right back into her hands. Dawn also fires Charlie, because she has ended up being too much of a threat to Dawn. She can sense that Nate and Charlie have some chemistry and she doesn't like it. She also reveals she plans to reveal Charlie's secret, especially now that Max is back in town. It was all a good old-fashioned backstabbing. It also appears that Nate's grandfather is a player in this whole plot, since he's behind the whole Gossip Girl takedown.

There's also the Blair storyline. Blair isn't convinced that Chuck has changed, so she decides to do her best to prove it. This leads to a confrontation between both of them, where she tries to seduce him. Chuck kisses her, and the fans of the couple were probably happy. The end of the episode reveals, predictably may I add, that Chuck only kissed Blair to convince her to stay with Louis. There's also the Dan storyline hiccup, in which he is skipping out on his book tour. I'm supposed to care, but I'm sort of over the book storyline by now. It's simply lasted too long, and it would have simply been better if Dan was involved in the sprawling romantic story that lasted almost all episode.

I must admit, I was pretty surprised how almost the entire episode's plot was one huge love network. There's Serena and Max, Charlie and Max, Nate and Charlie, Dawn and Nate. They were all connected, all effecting the actions of each character. The only thing that would have been better is if the show had found a way to include Serena and Dan, Charlie and Dan, and Serena and Nate (and Blair and Dan). That probably would have been too much, but that would have been epic. Overall, though, this was one of the season's better episodes.

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