Thursday, October 6, 2011

Harry's Law

Harry's Law
Episode 3: Sins of the Father
By: Carlos Uribe

Harry's Law is a show about a lawyer Harry and her shoe store/law firm.

Spoiler Alert!

At long last, Harry's Law finishes it's premiere storyline. It was filled with numerous fun scenes, including some that were superbly acted. Say what you will about the writing, but the actors and actresses nail their lines almost every scene. Even Cassie manages to contribute to the episode and we learn a bit more about her.

The Saunders case finally comes to an epic conclusion. It was a big case, so big that the show skipped over numerous witnesses with a great technique. Instead we got only the important witnesses on the stand, and the big questions. The whole case was handled rather well until the very end. There were moments when I was wondering how Harry was going to win this thing, especially since everything kept going wrong for the legal team.

What gave them the victory they needed was Roseanna's psychotic need to twist things her way. She really can't handle a single thing going wrong, and if she had ethics she would have probably won the case. She lost, though, because she simply interfered too much. She tampered with a witness. That and by hiding some essential information, the judge was willing to call prosecutable misconduct meaning Eric Saunders gets to go free. What a fitting conclusion to a case filled with some unexpected twists. Even better, the case simply kept amping up, pumping you with adrenaline. Well played, Harry's Law. You almost earned that Emmy nomination.

I say almost earned, because sadly they botched the final twist. I guess they had to reveal who the real killer was, so they made it the daughter all along. She ended up being a weird psycho. I didn't like this because it just came out too suddenly and it was a bit jarring. I also felt that the show should have left it ambiguous on whether or not Eric Saunders killed his wife or not. That would have definably been much preferred.

Essentially, if you're doubting if this is a fun show then this episode should prove it. Until the very end, it was pretty much one of the best episodes this show has done. Sadly, the plot twist kind of ruins that. But, oh well, what can you do? Don't give up on this show, if this is any indication, it's only starting to get good.

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